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La working mom más balanceada que jamás conocerás

Ayudo a madres trabajadoras a dejar atrás el agotamiento, recuperar su energía y reconectar con ellas mismas a través de estrategias prácticas y un enfoque integral de bienestar.


¿Lista para recuperar tu equilibrio? Descarga mi guía gratuita: 5 pasos para bienestar como working mom.



For me, your journey is personal!

Como working mom, entiendo perfectamente los retos de equilibrarlo todo mientras buscas sentirte plena y segura. Mi propia transición de sentirme abrumada a encontrar el equilibrio me inspiró a crear un sistema que ha ayudado a muchas mamás como tú a reconectarse con su identidad única y a vivir con propósito y autocompasión todos los días.



Mi historia...

Recursos para cada etapa de tu viaje

Online courses

Take a self-guided journey with weekly interactive lessons.

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1-on-1 coaching

Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance.

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DIY guides

Learn actionable skills you can easily use to improve your daily life.

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My life will never be the same and it’s all thanks to Victoria!

Kate Maple

David Cordova

I’ve seen a transformation in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Victoria!

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Victoria showed me it was OK to be me and taught me how to love life again.

Rebecca Waters

The latest from my blog 

Get started with one of my 6-week courses

Create good energy

We hear the saying “good vibes only” everywhere, but that’s easier said than done. Good vibes are not about pretending nothing is wrong. They’re about creating positive energy around yourself and what you’re doing.

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An attitude of gratitude

When you come from a place of abundance and gratitude, your whole life will change. This course will help you appreciate life (even the aspects you used to dread), and you’ll see success and failure from a fresh perspective.

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Who you’re meant to be

We are all unique individuals with dreams and desires. As we grow, the world around us begins to influence our identity. This course will lead you on a journey of self-discovery where you step into who you’re meant to be with confidence.  

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